Which Activities I Found To Be The Most Beneficial

When considering the activities we did for topic 3, the ones that helped me to understand online and open learning the most were editing Wikipedia articles and the Visitor and Resident Maps. I found that the most effective activity of these two for me was the editing Wikipedia activity. This is because of a couple of reasons, the first being that it helps to establish connectivism between all users who have contributed to develop the Wikipedia page to what it has become. Another reason why is because Wikipedia is a perfect example of an open and easily accessible source of information for being, if not the most or one of the most well known online education resources. The last main reason why I feel that the Wikipedia activity was the strongest was that it encourages the user to do further research into the topic that they are wanting to contribute to, thus increasing their knowledge not only about the topic but also about the process in finding said information. As for the Visitor and Resident Maps activity, I found this to be effective mainly because it helps the user gain an easy understanding on how their interactions with online resources reflect their online engagement.

Which Activity I Found To Be Disruptive Rather Than Beneficial

Another activity that I found helpful but also disruptive to understanding online and open learning was the Twitter activity. While I found Twitter chat to be helpful and if used in a meaningful manner can produce greater information spread and gain than the other activities can. However, with this said Twitter like all sources of social media are also home to vast amounts of misinformation in addition to the people who strive to spread it. Which, I unfortunately feel makes this activity more of a disruption than a positive gain due to the amount of information that needs to be taken with a grain of salt on the internet.